JetBrains dotPeek versions

Decompiles .NET assemblies to C# or IL elements
Oct 19, 2020
Apr 19, 2015
Dec 4, 2014
Jul 17, 2014
Aug 9, 2013
Apr 24, 2012

What's new

v10.0 [Nov 3, 2015]
IL code viewer
In one of the most anticipated developments, you can now navigate to IL code from any point in decompiled C# code. Also, you can opt to show IL code as comments to decompiled C# code, which effectively merges its default text viewer and the normally separate IL Viewer window, all in one view. dotPeek can display IL code both for decompiled code and for source code reproduced from symbol files.
Color scheme
In another considerable change, dotPeek now supports the same set of color themes as Visual Studio does: for example, you can select Blue or Dark theme, or choose to synchronize your color scheme preference with Visual Studio settings.
Asynchronous usage search
dotPeek has introduced the same non-modal, async Find Usages mechanic that has been available in recent versions of ReSharper. The new usage search architecture lets you keep on working with the decompiler while it executes a lengthy usage search in the background.

v1.4 [Apr 19, 2015]
Type Dependency Diagram
Navigation improvements
Visual Studio debugger support
Quick search in Assembly Explorer
Process Explorer window.

v1.2 [Jul 17, 2014]
Visual Studio debugger support
dotPeek learns to perform as a symbol server and supply Visual Studio debugger with the information required to debug assembly code.
Visual Studio debugger support
dotPeek listens for requests from Visual Studio debugger, generates PDB files and source files for the requested assemblies on demand, and returns them back to the debugger. dotPeek provides several options to choose which assemblies you want it to generate symbol files for. Please refer to this guide for more details on setting up dotPeek as a symbol server.
Export assembly to project
Based on high demand, we have enabled saving decompiled assemblies as Visual Studio projects.
After generating the projects from decompiled sources, you can now browse projects (.csproj files) and everything that's included in them without leaving dotPeek.
Export an assembly to Visual Studio project
Present in ReSharper for quite a long time, bookmarks have also arrived in dotPeek. Bookmarks let you drop a numbered marker at any position in the code viewer, and jump back at any time.
You can create up to 10 numbered bookmarks, and unlimited unnumbered bookmarks.
Bookmarks in dotPeek
Preserving state between launches
dotPeek has become way better in terms of preserving its state between sessions. This includes restoring the state of window layout and active tool windows, as well as lists of loaded assemblies and recently opened files.
Quick search in Assembly Explorer
dotPeek allows quick search and node filtering in various trees, most notably Assembly Explorer. Searching and filtering using lowerCamelHumps are supported as well.
Quick search in Assembly Explorer
Process Explorer window
The Process Explorer window provides you with the list of all currently running processes and allows exploring their modules and decompiling those of them that are .NET assemblies. Once you locate a process to decompile, you can add it to Assembly Explorer for further investigation.
Process Explorer window in dotPeek
BAML decompilation
If you're faced with a compiled WPF app, you can now easily look at its XAML UI definitions. The generated XAML code is enabled with all the navigation and search features that you would expect if you're a ReSharper user.
BAML decompilation in dotPeek
Navigation improvements
Following the footsteps of ReSharper 8, dotPeek 1.1 includes Go to Everything, a navigation command that enables navigating to either file, symbol or type within one menu.

v1.1 [Aug 9, 2013]
1. Export assembly to project
Based on high demand, we have enabled saving decompiled assemblies as Visual Studio projects.
After generating the projects from decompiled sources, you can now browse projects (.csproj files) and everything that's included in them without leaving dotPeek.
Present in ReSharper for quite a long time, bookmarks have also arrived in dotPeek. Bookmarks let you drop a numbered marker at any position in the code viewer, and jump back at any time. You can create up to 10 numbered bookmarks, and unlimited unnumbered bookmarks.
3. Preserving state between launches
dotPeek has become way better in terms of preserving its state between sessions. This includes restoring the state of window layout and active tool windows, as well as lists of loaded assemblies and recently opened files.
4. Distribution options
In addition to the .msi installer, dotPeek is now also distributed as 32-bit and 64-bit executables, which supersede the previously available .zip archive distribution.
5. Navigation improvements
Following the footsteps of ReSharper 8, dotPeek 1.1 includes Go to Everything, a navigation command that enables navigating to either file, symbol or type within one menu.
6. Decompilation improvements
Multiple decompiler improvements include better support for async methods, lambda and LINQ expressions, as well as field-like events.
7. BAML decompilation
If you're faced with a compiled WPF app, you can now easily look at its XAML UI definitions. The generated XAML code is enabled with all the navigation and search features that you would expect if you're a ReSharper user.

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